Macro are the essential nutrients your body needs in large amounts to function properly. These nutrients provide energy (calories) and support vital bodily processes. There are three primary macronutrients:
Builds and repairs tissues, supports immune function, and aids in hormone production.
Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, legumes, tofu, nuts, and dairy products.
Caloric Value:
1 gram of protein provides 4 kcal.
Recommended Intake:
Generally, 1.2-2.2g per kg of body weight, depending on activity levels and goals.
Carbohydrates (Carbs)
The primary energy source for your body and brain.
Fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes, and dairy.
Caloric Value:
1 gram of carbohydrates provides 4 kcal.
Recommended Intake:
45-65% of daily calories typically come from carbs.
Supports cell growth, hormone production, and helps absorb vitamins (A, D, E, K).
Oils, nuts, seeds, avocados, fatty fish, and dairy.
Caloric Value:
1 gram of fat provides 9 kcal.
Recommended Intake:
20-35% of daily calories should come from fats.
Saturated Fats
Provides energy but should be limited for heart health.
Animal products, butter, cheese, and processed foods.
Less than 10% of total daily calories.
How to Use the Macronutrient Calculator
Enter Your Age:
Input an age between 2 and 90 years.
Select Gender:
Choose Male or Female to account for metabolic differences.
Input Height:
Choose between cm or feet/inches.
Enter your height in the selected unit.
Input Weight:
Choose between kg or pounds.
Input your current weight.
Choose Activity Level:
* Light: 1-3 workouts per week.
* Moderate: 4-5 workouts per week.
* Active: Daily workouts.
* Very Active: Intense workouts 6-7 times per week.
* Extra Active: Intense daily workouts or physical labor job.
Select Your Goal:
* Maintain Weight: Keep your current weight.
* Mild Weight Loss (0.25kg/week): Small calorie deficit.
* Weight Loss (0.5kg/week): Moderate calorie deficit.
* Extreme Weight Loss (1kg/week): Aggressive calorie deficit.
* Mild Weight Gain (0.25kg/week): Small calorie surplus.
* Weight Gain (0.5kg/week): Moderate calorie surplus.
* Extreme Weight Gain (1kg/week): Aggressive calorie surplus.
Calculate Macros:
Click "Calculate Macros" to see your personalized macronutrient breakdown.
View Your Results:
A table will display your daily needs for:
* Protein (g/day)
* Fat (g/day)
* Saturated Fat (g/day)
* Carbs (g/day)
* Total Energy (kcal/day)